a ‘Simplified English’ language WT edition for countries where English is a 2nd language
First step to suppressing a number of translation departments in bethels. Can't wait to see what the simplified French literature will look like.
more agm news continues to trickle in..... .
as a disclaimer i feel the need to draw attention to the fact that all information was initiated by faithful/believing jws so if any lurkers thinks they recognize nuances of an email(s) they might have similarly received.... the original bro/sis holds no responsibility for my actions of reiteration..... .
anywho lets get on it........ .
a ‘Simplified English’ language WT edition for countries where English is a 2nd language
First step to suppressing a number of translation departments in bethels. Can't wait to see what the simplified French literature will look like.
the last 15 days have been hard.. 10 days without a computer is hell.. i said this on another thread but want to say it again.. thank you so much to those of you who have contributed to getting me a computer and back on line.
this new baby of mine is awesome.
it would have taken me months to save up enough money to either fix the old (which i think would have needed to be rebuilt) or buy another.
Never mind, welcome back , confident that you will keep being the guarantee for decency on JWN.
the last 15 days have been hard.. 10 days without a computer is hell.. i said this on another thread but want to say it again.. thank you so much to those of you who have contributed to getting me a computer and back on line.
this new baby of mine is awesome.
it would have taken me months to save up enough money to either fix the old (which i think would have needed to be rebuilt) or buy another.
Meilleurs et chaleureux souhaits de rétablissement, Lady Lee, (speaking to the native Quebeker, if I'm not mistaken.)
it was made by a women who in later years wore crotchless panties and bras which had holes in the nipple areas.
he not only knew the woman in question (she's now deceased), he has met her numerous times.
up until recently this secret of her year's long sexual affair with rutherford was kept by the family.
You never disappoint us Leolaia, your thoroughness is just dazzling, whether in linguistics or otherwise. I can see now what you meant in a previous post about your penchant for comprehensive research work. Historians of the WTS will be grateful to you for having unearthed facts unknown to the public or which the Society simply hadn't kept record of. Thanks for your dedication.
Suggestion, so that we can benefit from your wide array of interests : Have you ever envisaged doing a study about UFOS and the possibility of outer space intelligent forms of life ?
purple sofa... .
...................... ...outlaw.
Such a shame time flies that fast , is it already one year since your "I made it !" thread ? Happy birthday, Purps.
i just got this information on the phone, from a local jw family member : the society is definitely downsizing its worldwide institutional network and they intend to disband their bethels in the three french overseas departements of martinique, guadeloupe an french guyana.
i've not heard about the fourth departement la reunion in the indian ocean but i gather that they might go the same way there.. i wonder , what about the decent amount of money i donated to them in order to build one of those bethels , is it bound to be siphoned off to brooklyn ?
objection, that was not included in the deal.
I wonder if this has to do with the French government eliminating the Watchtower's tax exempt status.
As you probably know, the French tax department asked in 1998 the former association Les TJ de France (which wasn't registered as a religious association at that time) a levy of 60% on all the donations in cash they had received between 1992 an 1996. In theory, that measure was merely the enforcement of the law but in fact it has never been applied to other associations and it is quite discriminatory against JWs. The levy amounts to 45 million €. The association has lost all its successive appeals before the French courts and has paid, so far, 5 million €, but in 2005 they put the case before the European court of human rights, where it is still pending. Now, well informed jurists within the French government think that the latter might lose the case, on the ground of breaching equal rights of french associations regarding taxes. So the Government is seeking to reach an agreement with the JW association.
I don't think this has anything to do with overseas bethels being closed down. Those branches are simply done away with because they lack the contributive basis of the local witnesses to support their own bethel staff and building maintenance. The increase in the number of JWs in these regions (as in many european countries) is due to foreign input. The new members are not so well off as the local French witnesses, who now don't contribute so much as they used to.
i just got this information on the phone, from a local jw family member : the society is definitely downsizing its worldwide institutional network and they intend to disband their bethels in the three french overseas departements of martinique, guadeloupe an french guyana.
i've not heard about the fourth departement la reunion in the indian ocean but i gather that they might go the same way there.. i wonder , what about the decent amount of money i donated to them in order to build one of those bethels , is it bound to be siphoned off to brooklyn ?
objection, that was not included in the deal.
I just got this information on the phone, from a local JW family member : The society is definitely downsizing its worldwide institutional network and they intend to disband their bethels in the three French overseas départements of Martinique, Guadeloupe an French Guyana. I've not heard about the fourth département La Réunion in the Indian ocean but I gather that they might go the same way there.
I wonder , what about the decent amount of money I donated to them in order to build one of those bethels , is it bound to be siphoned off to Brooklyn ? Objection, that was not included in the deal.
just to see what information is out there on you?
i did, and it was quite disturbing.
it turns out i've been arrested for attempted murder.
An homonym of me comes first at the top as an histologist who lived 100 years ago. I rank second, many pages behind.
apart from a member of the gb of course.... i've personly seen a brother gesturing so much he sent the mic stand flying!.
another who opened his mouth to speak and burped loudly into the mic instead!.
any others?.
Not that it was weird, but I remember the audience being quite interested by tits pointing sharply through the blouse of a young pretty emotional sister who was giving a KM demonstration.
i was catching up on news with a friend of mine from my old hall - a few of the elders have stepped down and some have retired.. these are men who were in their 30's during the 1980's when i was very young - now they are retiring or facing retirement.. i sometimes wonder how they feel after working all those years only to wake up and realize that their working lives are over.. do they ask themselves: what's happened?
where's armaggedon?
the day of reckoning has come - the elders who were 30 in 1980 are now 60 years old.
That is happening in my wife's congregation. They were already very few of them, some having been drained away by foreign speaking (chinese, Korean) groups (totally useless, BTW). Two remaining ones, now in their seventies, are moving away to places of retirement in their country houses, they were the two most open minded. Among the two who remained, who were the younger ones, one got a nervous breakdown and had to step down as an elder (was the one who kicked me out). The one who is left hardly understands what he reads. I suspect that he is the one who, after having gotten the CO visit his study group, was at the origin of the suppression of these groups, his group was a real joke, the CO's report to the branch must have been alarming and desperate. All that the congregation now has as elder is this bloke, I wish the members good luck for the years to come.